Ph.D.s Awarded in 2021 - 2022
BOZKURT, Saadeddin (BAU and MED, Instanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey) "Development and Validation of Multidimensional Teacher Burnout and Engagement Scale (TBES)"
CALDWELL, Brittany (BA and MA, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA) "Teaching Mathematics in Early Grades: Beliefs and Practices Related to Students' Assets"
HUITZILOPOCHTLI, Salvador (BA and MA, UC Berkeley; Cert., UC Berkeley Extension) "Multilingual Students' Arguments in Early Algebra: Writing, Refining, and Revising through Conferencing"
PATTHOFF, Adria (BS, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; MA, New York University, New York, NY) "Exploring Pre-Service Teachers' Conceptualizations and Enactments of Formative Assessment with Multilingual Learners"
SPURGIN, Caroline (BA, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA) "Discourses of Power in Science Teacher Becoming: Science and Equity in Conflict"
STANDEVEN, Kirsten (BA, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL; MED, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) "Predestined Failure and Systematic Trauma in Neoliberal School Reforms; a Story of Institutional Dispossession"
XIA, Yuzhu (BA, Hunan University, Changsha, P.R.China; MS, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) "Predicting Students' English Performance with Traditional Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning: An Analysis of the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS)"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2020 - 2021
GREGORY, Jolene (BS, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; MED, University of Veracruz, Xalapa, Mexico) "Student and Teacher Translanguaging in Dual-Language Elementary Mathematics Classrooms: An Exploration of Beliefs, Responses and Functions"
KENNER, Kylie (BA and MA, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA) "Building Affirming Spaces on Uneven Terrain: Counter Narratives by Formerly Incarcerated College Students"
LANG, Nora (BA, SUNY College New Paltz, New Paltz, NY; MA, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA) "Vamos Juntos en Esto; Peer Interaction and Affordances for Language Development among Adolescent Newcomers in Language and Content Classrooms"
SCHLAMAN, Heather (BA, UC Davis; MA, CSU Sacramento) "Shaping Equity, Access and Quality Learning for English Language Learners: High School Administrators' Mediation of Language Policy"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2018 - 2019
ANDERSON, Christina (BA, UC Berkeley; MED, Stanford University, Stanford, CA) "Against Disposability: On Alternative Schooling, Silence, and Abolition"
CHANG, Ethan (BA, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA; Cert, University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu, HI) "Just Innovation? Digital Education Reform in Silicon Valley and Oakland, California"
GREEN, Erik (BA and MA, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; EED, Alliant International University, San Diego, CA) "The Experience of Gay Men Being Socialized into Gay Communities"
SABATI, Sheeva (BS, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA) "Ethical Elisions: Unsettling the Racial-Colonical Entanglements of U.S. Higher Education"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2017 - 2018
COULING, Joanne (BS, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK; Cert, University of Bath, Bath, UK; MA, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA) "Scaffolding for Success: When High School Science Teachers Scaffold Their Summative Classroom Assessments; Opportunities, Observations, and Outsomes"
SANCHEZ ORDAZ, Arnold (BA, UC Berkeley; MA, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA) "The Mediating Effect of Peers, Teachers, and English-Language Status on the Belongingness-Achievement Relationship among Mexican and Filipino Immigrant High School Students"
POUR-KHORSHID, Farima (BA and MS, CSU East Bay, Hayward, CA) "H.E.L.L.A: A Bay Area Critical Racial Affinity Group Committed to Healing, Empowerment, Love, Liberation, and Action"
SEXTON, Dena "Becoming a Math Teacher: Recruitment, Preparation, and Practice"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2016 - 2017
BUCHANAN, Rebecca (BA, University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, AL; Cert, Alliant International University, San Diego, CA) "It's Not About That Anymore: An Ecological Examination of the Theory-Practice Divide in Contemporary Teacher Education"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2015 - 2016
BECKETT, Linnea (BA, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR; MED, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA) "Re-Imagining School Reform and Movement Making through a Feminist Politic of Resistance and Digital Storytelling"
CLARK, Margaret (BA, Williams College, Williamstown, MA; Cert, CSU East Bay, Hayward, CA; MED, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA) "Our Visible Work: Community & Collaboration in an Educator Inquiry Group"
MALDONADO, Saul (BA, CSU Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Cert and MA, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA) "The Impact of Mathematical Literacy Practices on Latina/os Achievement"
MILLER, Tatiana (BA and MAT, UC Santa Cruz) "An Inquiry into How Fourth-Grade Students Investigate Their Theories for Learning Scientific Vocabulary"
NIEVERA-LOZANO, Melissa Ann (BA, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA; MA, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA) "Portraits of Decolonizing Praxis: How the Lives of Crically Engaged Pinay Scholars Informs their Work"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2014 - 2015
DIAZ HOUSTON, Yolanda (BA, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA; MED, CSU Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA) "Transnational Hybridity: (Re)Constructing Education for Orphan Girls in Rural North India"
LIU, Xiangyan (BA and MA, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China; MA, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA) "Redefining 'Immigrants': The Transmigrant Educational Experience of 1.5-Generation Chinese Youth"
MENON, Preetha (MD, Trivandrum Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India; AA, De Anza College, Cupertino, CA) "Multimodal Tasks to Support Science Learning in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms: Three Complementary Perspectives"
MONCLOA, Fe (BA, Clark University, Worcester, MA; MA, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA) "Teaching and Learning Participation: Latino Youth Civic Engagement in a High School"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2013 - 2014
BUCK, Zoe (AB, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ) "Dynamic Visualization as Tools for Supporting Cosmological Literacy"
GAGE-SERIO, Ondine (BA, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA; MAU, CSU Fresno, Fresno, CA) "Affordances for Language Awareness in a Middle School Transitional Classroom: Multi-Competent L1/L2 Users under No Child Left Behind"
THOMPSON, Alisun (BA and CED, UC Santa Cruz) "Finding a Fit: Recruitment and Hiring for Urban Teacher Retention"
WILLETT, Kara "'Designing' with Critical Multiliteracies in a Teacher Inquiry Group: Using Productive Tensions Between Theory and Practice as Resources for Design"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2012 - 2013
ALGEE, Lisa "Exploring English Language Learners (ELL) Experiences with Scientific Language and Inquiry within a Real Life Context"
KIM, Ruth (BA, Miami University Oxford, Oxford, OH; MA, UC Santa Barbara) "Spoken Art Pedagogies: Youth, Critical Literacy & a Cultural Movement in the Making"
PANAYOTOVA, Dora (BAU, University of the Ruhr, Bochum, Germany) "Examining First-Year Non-Dominant Students' Experiences as Academic Writers: An Identity Perspective"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2011 - 2012
HILBERG, Soleste (BS, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA; MS, UC Santa Cruz) "Formative Assessment, Equity and Opportunity to Learn"
LYON, Edward Geaney (BS and MA, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA) "Unraveling the Complex: Changes in Secondary Science Preservice Teachers' Assessment Expertise"
THOMPSON, Angela (BA, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO; MED, University of Houston Main Campus, Houston, TX) "Teacher Profiles and High School Mathematics Achievement: What Do We Know about the Teachers of Latino and ELL High School Students?"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2010 - 2011
HIDALGO, Nicole "When Stepping to College is Stepping to Consciousness: Cultivating Critical College Access and Transformational Resistance in an Urban High School Classroom"
RIOS, Anne (BA, UC Davis, Davis, CA; MA, UC Santa Cruz) "Conditional Belonging: Youth Immigration and the Politics of Belonging in a Catalonian Institut"
TOLBERT, Sara (BA, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO; MED, University of Georgia, Athens, GA) "Teaching the Content in Context: Preparing 'Highly Qualified' and 'High Quality' Teachers for Instruction in Underserved Secondary Classrooms"
WHEATON, Mele (BA, UC Santa Cruz) "Developing Connections to the Natural World: An Examination of High School Students' Environmental Identities in a Project-Based Conservation Program"
ZAHNER, William "How to Do Math with Words: Learning Algebra through Peer Discussions"
Ph.D.s Awarded in 2008 - 2009
BALL, Tamara (BA, Amherst College, Amherst, MA) "Explaining as Participation: A Multi-Level Analysis of Learning Environments Designed to Support Scientific Argumentation"
CRAIN, Rhiannon (BA, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ) "Institutionalization in Action: Interative Science Center Interactivity and Materiality from the Family Perspective"
HERMANN, Adele "Altering Beginning Teachers' Beliefs and Practices Regarding the Labeling of Low Track Students: The Role of Mentor-Initiated Reframing"
LOOMIS, Molly (BA, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT; MED, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) "Visitor Empowerment and the Authority of Science: Exploring Institutionalized Tensions in a Science Center"