- Title
- Professor
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Education Department
- Affiliations College Nine, Feminist Studies Department, East Asian Studies
- Phone 831-459-3234, 831-425-2060
- Office Location
- McHenry Library, 3165
- McHenry Library, rm 3165
- Office Hours By appointment in email: jagordon@ucsc.edu
- Mail Stop Education Department
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Courses EDUC 128, Immigrants and Education; EDUC 164, Urban Education; EDUC 170, East Asian Schooling and Immigration; EDUC 171, South and Southeast Asian Schooling and Immigration; EDUC 207, Social Foundations of Education; EDUC 268, Comparative and International Education; EDUC 281, Social Cultural Perspectives on Education; EDUC 180 Introduction to Teaching; EDUC 174 Ethnographies of Schooling
Summary of Expertise
International comparative education
Marginalized communities and schooling in the UK, USA, Japan, China and India.
Asian immigration and the impact of schooling patterns in the "home" countries on attitudes towards education in America.
Urban education
Research Interests
Cultural and economic factors in academic access and achievement at all levels of schooling; recruiting and preparing teachers from diverse communities; schooling and teaching careers for working-class and cultural-minority students in Britain, Japan, China and the United States.
Biography, Education and Training
B.A., East Asian Studies
Stanford University
M.Ed., Adult Education
Western Washington University
Ph.D., Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
University of Washington
Honors, Awards and Grants
Japan Foundation Research Fellowship
Selected Publications
- With Xiangyan Liu. "Bridging Home and Host Country: Educational Predispositions of Chinese and Indian Recent Immigrant Families," International Journal of Multicultural Education. 2015.
- “Brazilian Nikkei Youth and the Challenges of Japanese Schooling.” Colloquium. Tokyo: Institute for Sociology. 2015.
- “Transformative Pedagogy in Preparing Teachers through the Study of Immigrant Experiences.” Chapter 3 in Kevin M. Larkin, Marta Kawka, Karen Noble, Henriette van Renssburg, Lyn Brodie, Patrick Alan Danaher (Editors), Empowering Educators: Proven Principles and Successful Strategies, New York: PalgraveMacmillan. 2015.
- “The Importance of Nonformal Education in the Success of Dowa Education.” Chapter 3 in Kaori H. Okano (Editor), Nonformal Education and Civil Society in Japan, (pp. 35-52). New York: Routledge. 2015.
- “Stand by Me: Empowerment of Immigrant Youth in Urban Japan.” Chapter 14 in Sheri Bastien and Halla B. Holmarsdottir (Editors) Youth ‘At the Margins’: Critical Perspectives and Experiences of Engaging Youth in Research Worldwide (pp. 277-298.), Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2015.
- “A Global Concern: Creating a Diverse Teaching Force for Marginalised Communities – In Japan, the UK, the United States, China and Bhutan.” Chapter 2 in Marie-Pierre Moreau (Editor), Inequalities in the Teaching Profession: A Global Perspective, (pp.27-49). New York: PalgraveMacmillan. 2014.
- “Understanding the Cultural Legacy of Chinese Students.” Chapter 2 in Wen Ma and Chuang Wang (Co-Editors), Learner’s Privilege and Responsibility: A Critical Examination of Chinese Students’ Experiences and Perspectives, (pp. 13-29). Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing. 2014.
- “Educational Reform for Immigrant Youth in Japan.” Journal of International Migration and Integration, Online: June 19. 2014.
- With Xiangyan Liu. “Preparation for Transnationalism: Changes in China’s Top Secondary Schools.” Journal of International Education and Leadership, 4(1), 1-14. 2014.
- “Nikkei and Japan’s Enduring Cultural Inequities.” Chapter 8 in G. DeKoker and C. Bjork (Editors), Japanese Education in an Era of Globalization: Culture, Politics, and Equity, (115-130). New York: Teachers College Press. 2013.
- “Bhutan: Educational Challenges in the Land of the Thunder Dragon,” Ethnography and Education (U.K.), Vol. 8(3). 2013.
- “Understanding Taboos with Asian American Women through Autoethnography,” Chapter 13 in Warren Midgley, Patrick Alan Danaher, Margaret Baguley (Editors), The Role of Participants: Ethics, Epistemologies and Methods. (pp. 159-167). London: Routledge. 2012.
- Challenges to Japanese Education: Economics, Reform, and Human Rights. June A. Gordon, Hidenori Fujita, Takehiko Kariya, and Gerald LeTendre (Editors). New York: Teachers College Press. International Perspectives on Education Reform, Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Series Editor. Published in Japan by Seori-shobo. 2010.
- "Transnational Migration and Identity: Brazil and Japan Share a Workforce” in Joern Dosch (Editor), Professor of Asia Pacific Studies, University of Leeds, Asia and Latin America: The Encounter of two Continents. Political, Economic and Social Dynamics.” London and New York: Routledge. 2010.
- Henkaku Teki Kyoikugaku Toshite [Using Ethnography as a Method to Change Education]. Tokyo: Akashi shoten Translation by Kokichi Shimizu of Beyond the Classroom Walls: Ethnographic Inquiry as Pedagogy by June A. Gordon. 2010.
- "Japan: Challenges and Future Directions," Chapter 16 in Handbook of Asian Education, edited by Yong Zhao, et al. London and New York: Routledge, 2010.
- "Children of the Danchi: A Japanese Primary School for Newcomers,” Ethnography and Education (United Kingdom), 4(2), 165-179, 2009.
- Japan's Outcaste Youth: Education for Liberation: Paradigm Publishing. 2008.
- "Community Responsive Schools, Mixed Housing, and Community Regeneration.” Journal of Education Policy(U.K.), 23(2), 181-192. 2008.
- "Assigned to the Margins: Teachers for Immigrant Communities in Japan" in E. A. Anteliz, P. N. Coombes & P. A. Danaher (Eds.), Special theme issue: Marginalised Pedagogues?: International Studies of the Work and Identities of Contemporary Educators Teaching 'Minority' Learners. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies (Australia), 22 (7), 766-776. 2006.
- "From Liberation to Human Rights: Challenges for Teachers of the Burakumin in Japan," Race, Ethnicity and Education(U.K.), 9 (2), 183-202. 2006.
- "The Crumbling Pedestal: Changing Images of Japanese Teachers," Journal of Teacher Education, 56 (5), 459-470. 2005.
- "Inequities in Japanese Urban Schools," The Urban Review, 37 (1), 49-62. 2005.
- "In Search of Teachers and Administrators of Color," Leadership: Association of California School Administrators, 34 (2), November/December, 30-35. 2005.
- Mainoritei to Kyooiku [Minorities and Education]. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2004. Translation by Mamoru Tsukada of The Color of Teaching.
- "Who is Willing - and Able - to Become a Teacher?" Race Equality Teaching(U.K.), 21,(3), 28-31, 2003.
- "A Shoelace Left Untied: Teachers Confront Class and Ethnicity in a City of Northern England." The Urban Review, 35:(3), 191-215, 2003.
- Beyond the Classroom Walls: Ethnographic Inquiry as Pedagogy. London: Routledge Falmer, 2002.
- "From Gangs to the Academy: Scholars Emerge by Reaching Back through Critical Ethnography," Social Justice, 29(4), 71-81, 2002.
- "Immigrants and Education: Dialogic Inquiry as Pedagogy." Teaching Sociology, 30(3), 278-290, 2002.
- "African Americans and the Choice to Teach." Chapter Five in Nata, R. (Ed.) Progress in Education, Vol. 4, Nova Science Publishers, 97-110, 2001.
- The Color of Teaching. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2000.
- "Asian American Resistance to Selecting Teaching as a Career: The Power of Community and Tradition," Teachers College Record, 102(1), 173-196, 2000.
- "A Critical Interpretation of Policies for Minority Culture College Students," NACADA Journal (National Academic Advising Association), 17(1), 15-21,1997.
- "Teachers of Color Speak to Issues of Respect and Image," The Urban Review, 29(1), 41-66, 1997.
- "The Masks of Normality: Uncovering the Hidden Narratives of Working-Class Women and Men," Teaching Education, 8(1), 55-64, 1996.
- "Teachers from Different Shores," Equity and Excellence in Education, 29(3), 28-36, 1996.
Selected Presentations
- "Brazilian Nikkei Youth and the Challenges of Japanese Schooling," Conference on “Immigration at the national and local level: The impact on future economic growth and community relations in Japan and the United States,” UC San Diego, May 6 -7, 2011.
- "Sources of Cultural Inequity in Japanese Schooling," Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, 2011
- “Asian American Youth: Pressure, Competition, Shame, and Obligation,” Comparative and International Education Society, Chicago, March 1-5. 2010
- “Schooling of Marginal Youth in Japan,” Comparative and International Education Society, Charleston, SC , March 22-26. 2009
- “Sources of Cultural Inequity in Japanese Schooling,” Comparative and International Education Society, NYC, March 21. 2008
- "Bhutan: Inside the Schools of the Thunder Dragon." Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference. Oxford University, England. September 19, 2011.
Teaching Interests
Urban education
Asian schooling and immigration
Asian American education
Cross-cultural ethnographic research