- Pronouns she, her, her, hers, herself
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Research Professor
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Education Department
- Affiliations Latin American & Latino Studies, Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
- Phone 650-269-6709
- Office Location
- McHenry Library, 3124
- Mail Stop Education Department
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
Summary of Expertise
My research focuses on topics related to the use and development of language and literacy among Mexican-descent children and the development of pedagogical perspectives that build on the resources that these children and their families bring to schools and classrooms. I am also engaged in research examining how teachers of English learners are responding to and negotiating recent policy mandates related to the teaching of language and literacy. My scholarship in teacher education is focused on investigating how prospective teachers' experiences with language minority children and their families outside of school informs their perspectives on learning and teaching as well as their instructional practice.
Biography, Education and Training
BA Political Science, Willamette University
MA Education, Stanford University
PhD Education, Stanford University
Honors, Awards and Grants
• 2011-2013 Alliance for Language and Literacy Instruction Effecting Standards (ALLIES), Improving Teacher Quality Grant,California Postsecondary Education Commission. ($500,000)
• 2007- Co-Principal Investigator, Central California Writing Project
• 2005 Carnegie-Goldman QUEST Teacher Educator Fellow
• 2005-07 Making Sense of Open Court: Teachers Negotiating Top-Down Reform in Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners. Linguistic
Minority Research Institute ($61,223)
• 1996-2004 UCSC Links, UC Office of the President ($370,000)
• 1996-1997 AERA/Spencer National Research Faculty
• 1994-98 Language Maintenance and Shift in Early Adolescence, The Spencer
Foundation ($187,5000)
• 1992-94 National Academy of Education, Spencer Fellow
Selected Publications
- Buchanan, R. Scott, J., Pease-Alvarez, L., & Clark, M. (2022). Common ground is not enough: The situated and dynamic process of collaboration in a multiagency teacher professional development project. Teaching and Teacher Education, 117.
- Matusov, E. & Pease-Alvarez, L. (2020). Moving from collaboration to critical dialogue in action in education. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 8, 1-19
- Alvarez, L., & Pease-Alvarez, L. (2020). An Inquiry Approach to Learning Content with Newcomer Students. Norton K-12 Talk Blog. https://k-12talk.com/2020/05/13/an-inquiry-approach-to-learning- content-with-newcomer-students/
- Samway, K.D., Pease-Alvarez, L., & Alvarez, L. (2020). Supporting newcomer students: Advocacy and instruction for English Learners. New York: W. W. Norton Inc.
- Thompson, A. & Pease-Alvarez, L. (2018). Working the system: Teacher resistance in a context of compliance. In D. Santoro & L. Cain (Eds.), Principled resistance: How teachers resolve ethical dilemmas (pp. 69-87). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
- Pease-Alvarez, L. & Thompson, A. (2014). Teachers working together to resist and remake educational policy in contexts of standardization. Language Policy, 13 (2), 165-181.
- Pease-Alvarez, L. & Samway, K. D. (2012). Teachers of English learners negotiating authoritarian policies. The Netherlands: Springer.
- Walqui, A. & Pease-Alvarez, L. (2011). Teacher learning for instruction of second language learners. In K. S. Gallagher, R. Goodyear, D. J. Brewer, & R. Rueda (Eds.), Urban education: A model for leadership and policy (pp. 297-310). New York: Routledge.
- Pease-Alvarez, L. & Thompson, A. (2011). Teachers organizing to resist in a context of compliance. In Kathryn Davis (Ed.), Critical qualitative research in second language studies: Agency and advocacy (pp. 277-295). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Educators Advocating for Students. (2011). The power of networking: Educators advocating for change. In C. E. Sleeter & C. Cornbleth (Eds.). Teacher with vision: Culturally responsive teaching in standards-based classrooms (pp. 142-153). New York: Teachers College Press.
- Pease-Alvarez, L., Samway, K. D., & Cifka-Herrera, C. (2010). Working within the system: Teachers of English learners negotiating a literacy instruction mandate. Language Policy, 9(4), 313-334.
- Pease-Alvarez, L. & Samway, K. D. (2008). Negotiating a top-down reading mandate. Language Arts, 86(1), 32-41.
- Pease-Alvarez, L. & Schecter, S. R. (Eds.) (2005). Learning, Teaching, and Community: Contributions of situated and participatory approaches to educational innovation. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.