- Title
- Professor of Philosophy of Education
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Education Department
- Affiliations Center for Collaborative Research for an Equitable California
- Phone 831-459-5188
- Fax 831-459-4618
- Website
- Office Location
- McHenry Library, 3122
- Office Hours By Appointment
- Mail Stop Education Department
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street; McHenry 3122 (EDUC)
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Critical Theory, Philosophy, Education, Ethics, Epistemology, Democracy, Community-based Research, Discrimination and Inequality, School Reform and School Policy
- Courses EDUC 102, Education Media and Society; EDUC 104, Ethical Issues and Teaching; EDUC 110, Popular Education, Democracy, and Social Movements; EDUC 173, Critical Pedagogy; EDUC 207, Social Foundations of Education; EDUC 235 Introduction to Educational Research; EDUC 263, Foundations of Educational Reform; Educ 268, Schools Communities and Families; EDUC 295, Critical Theories and Education
- Advisees, Grad Students, Researchers
Summary of Expertise
Education as a 'practice of freedom'
Philosophy of education (ontology; ethics; epistemology; politics)
Critical theories and education
Ideology and education
Race racism and education
Equity-oriented, collaborative community-based research
Community-driven justice reforms in low-income, racially, culturally and linguistically diverse schools and communities
Public learning processes and democratic policy making
Biography, Education and Training
Ph.D. Stanford University; Philosophy of Education
M.A. Stanford University; Philosophy
C.Phil. University of California, Berkeley; Philosophy of Education
Ed.M. Harvard University
B.A. Harvard University; cum laude, History and Science
Professor Glass is a Professor of Philosophy of Education. He currently investigates the ethical issues raised by justice-oriented collaborative research methodologies, and has long focused his philosophic work on education as a practice of freedom, ideological (trans)formation, and the role of education and public learning processes in creating a just, pluralistic democracy. He has also investigated school reform and collaborated with professional development schools in low-income, racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse communities. Professor Glass’s philosophy of praxis is rooted in his Civil Rights and anti-Viet Nam war movement experiences and his many years of working with aggrieved communities struggling for justice. Prior to serving on university faculties, Professor Glass directed the San Francisco-based Adult Education Development Project, and collaborated with Paulo Freire and Myles Horton, the world-renowned educators for democracy.
Honors, Awards and Grants
Selected Awards:
Phoenix, AZ, Human Relations Commission Martin Luther King, Jr., Living the Dream Award
University of California Santa Cruz Social Sciences Division Golden Apple Teaching Award
Stanford University School of Education Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching
Arizona State University Dondrell Swanson "Advocates of Social Justice' Award
Selected Grants: PI: $1.54M, Multicampus Research Program Initiative, University of California Office of the President; $600K, Spencer Foundation; Co-PI: $350K, National Science Foundation
Selected Publications
Glass, R.D. & Stoudt, B. 2019. Collaborative research for justice and multi-issue movement building. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 27(52) May 2019. Glass, R.D. & Warren, M.R. Guest Editors, Themed Issue, Collaborative Research for Justice and Multi-Issue Movement Building: Challenging Discriminatory Policing, School Closures, and Youth Unemployment. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.27.4470
- Warren, M.R. & Glass, R.D. 2019. Collaborative research and movement building for educational justice: Reflections on the Urban Research Based Action Network. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 27(53) May 2019. Glass, R.D. & Warren, M.R. Guest Editors, Themed Issue, Collaborative Research for Justice and Multi-Issue Movement Building: Challenging Discriminatory Policing, School Closures, and Youth Unemployment. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.27.4445
Glass, R.D., Morton, J., King, J.E., Krueger-Henney, P., Moses, M.S., Sabati, S., Richardson, T. 2018. The Ethical Stakes of Collaborative Community-Based Research. Urban Education. 53 (4), 503-531. https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/uexa/53/4
Ronald David Glass. 2018. Interview. In Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (50th Anniversary Edition). New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. 199-200. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/pedagogy-of-the-oppressed-9781501314162/
Samara S. Foster and Ronald David Glass. (2017). Ethical, Epistemic, and Political Issues in Equity-Oriented Collaborative Community-Based Research. The Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research. Rowell, L. L., Bruce, C. D., Shosh, J. M., & Riel. M. M. (Eds.). London: Palgrave MacMillan. 511-526. DOI https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-40523-4_31
- Anne Newman & Ronald David Glass. 2014. Comparing Ethical and Epistemic Standards for Investigative Journalists and Equity-Oriented Collaborative Community-Based Researchers: Why Working for a University Matters. The Journal of Higher Education. 85(3), 283-311.
- Pia Lindquist Wong & Ronald David Glass. (2011). Professional development schools and student learning and achievement. In J. Neapolitan (Ed.), Taking Stock of Professional Development Schools: What’s Needed Now. New York, NY: Teachers College Press and the National Society for the Study of Education. Volume 110: No. 2., 403-431.
- Ronald David Glass. (2004). Moral and political clarity and education as a practice of freedom. In Democratic Dialogue and Education: Troubling Speech, Disturbing Silence, M. Boler (Ed), New York: Peter Lang. 15-32.
Selected Recordings
Radio Interview: Reflections on Revolutionary Education and Paulo Freire's Life and Ideas. Against the Grain, Pacifica Radio Network. (https://kpfa.org/player/?audio=88090)
Radio Interview: Ron Glass, Profiles in Philosophy of Education (Episode 16) PiPELine. (http://www.pipeline.fm/podcast/?offset=1446391800000)