Ph.D. Students

Christina Hewko
  • Title
    • Doctoral Candidate
  • Division Graduate Studies Division
  • Department
    • Education Department
  • Email
  • Office Location
    • McHenry Library, 05184
  • Mail Stop Education Department
  • Mailing Address
    • UCSC MS: Education Dept. 1156 High Street
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064

Research Interests

Christina is an interdisciplinary researcher that draws from the learning sciences, critical theory, and teacher education. Her research interests include teacher learning and development of abolitionist pedagogies through community-engaged approaches. 

Biography, Education and Training

Christina is a doctoral candidate committed to amplifying the voices of students, families, teachers, teacher educators, and communities through community-engaged research. She was a high school social studies teacher for six years and more recently has worked as a teacher educator at San Jose State University for the past five years.

Selected Publications

Hewko, C. (2024). Teachers’ perspectives of their development of culturally sustaining pedagogical practices: Lessons for teacher learningPedagogies: An International Journal.


Hewko, C. (2024). Prison industrial complex abolition pedagogies: A conceptual framework for uprooting carceral logics in teacher education. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, USA.


Olsen, B., Buchanan, R., & Hewko, C. (2022). Recent trends in teacher identity research and pedagogy. Invited chapter in I. Menter & Q. Gu (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (pp. 1-24). Springer.

Teaching Interests

Christina is interested in teaching about critical pedagogy, social and cultural contexts of education, classroom community building, urban education, social studies methods, and education reform.