Student Awards and Recognition
Esra Bozkurt: International Non-Resident Tuition Fellowship, 2018-2019
Charley Brodsky-Brooks: Chancellors Fellowship, 2016-17
Brittany Caldwell: Graduate Pedagogy Fellow, 2017-18
Julianne Foxworthy: Education Outstanding TA, 2016-17; Chancellor's Fellowship, 2015-16
Sal Huitzilopochtli: CADRE Fellow, 2017-18
Kylie Kenner: Education Dept Award for Teaching Excellence, 2017
Nora Lang: Outstanding TA (Spanish), Dept of Languages and Applied Linguistics, 2017-18; UCSC Services for Transfer and Re-entry Students - STARS (2017)
Alexandra Race: Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2017-18
Sarah Rapp: 2018 Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award for Teaching Excellence; 2017 International Conference on Learning Emerging Scholars Award; Education Outstanding TA, 2015-16
Mecaila Smith: Social Sciences Dean’s Award - 2017 Graduate Research Symposium; Chancellor's Graduate Internship, 2015-16; Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2013-14
Melissa Svigelj-Smith: Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2018-19
Yuzhu Xia: International Non-Resident Tuition Fellowship, 2018-19
Christine Anderson-Zavala (2019): Social Sciences Dissertation Quarter Fellowship, 2017-18, 2016-17; Chancellor's Teaching Fellowship, 2014-15; Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2011-12
Linnea Beckett (2016): Education Dissertation Fellowship Quarter, 2015-16
Rebecca Buchanan (2017): Dissertation Quarter Sabbatical, 2015-16; Chancellor's Teaching Fellowship, 2015-16; Education Outstanding TA, 2013-14
Zoe Buck (2014): UC Accord Dissertation Fellowship, 2012-13; Chancellor’s Fellowship, 2009-10
Ethan Chang (2019): American Educational Research Assn Minority Dissertation Fellowship, 2018-19; Social Sciences Dissertation Quarter Fellowship, 2018-19; Chancellor's Graduate Internship, 2016-17; Chancellor's Fellowship, 2013-14
Joe Chee: NARST Student Research Conference Fellow, 2011
Maggie Clark (2016): STARS Program Scholarship, Delta Kappa Gamma, 2012-13
Joanna Couling: NARST Sandra Abell Fellow, 2015
Steven Coulter: Chancellor’s Fellowship, 2011-12
Yolanda Diaz-Houston (2015): Rotary International Fellowship, 2011-12
Erik Green (2018): Education Outstanding TA, 2012-13; Chancellor’s Fellowship, 2010-11
Nicole Hidalgo (2011): Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2003-04
Xiaobo Huang: International Non-Resident Tuition Fellowship, 2015-16
Ondine Gage-Serio (2014): Summer Dissertation Writing Fellowship, 2012
Ruth Kim (2013): USF Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2012-13
Xianyan Liu (2015): President's Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2014-15
Edward Lyon (2012): CCTE Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2012, NARST Student Research Conference Fellow, 2011; Summer Dissertation Fellowship, 2011
Saul Maldonado (2016): AEA Graduate Education Diversity Internship, 2012-13; Education Outstanding TA award, 2012
Preetha Menon (2015): NARST Student Research Conference Fellow, 2013
Paulina Moreno: Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2009-10
Melissa-Ann Nievera-Lozano: President's Dissertation Yr Fellowship, 2013-14; Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2008-09
Saugher Nojan (Sociology, Education): Chancellor's Graduate Internship (2017-18); Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2014-15
Dora Panayotova (2013): President’s Dissertation Yr Fellowship, 2011-12
Farima Pour-Khorshid: Education Outstanding TA, 2014-15
Anne Rios (2011): Early Career Presidential Fellowship, 2010-11
Carolina Rostworowski Stocco: International Non-Resident Tuition Fellowship, 2016-17
Sheeva Sabati (2019): Education Dissertation Fellowship Quarter, 2017-18; Summer Research Grant, UCSC Services for Transfer and Re-entry Students - STARS (2016); Conference Grant, UCSC STARS (2015); URBAN-AERA Research Fellow: Ethics of Collaborative Research Work Group (2014-15)
Arnold Sanchez Ordaz: Chancellor's Graduate Internship, 2015-16, 2014-15
Yunnie Snyder: Dissertation Quarter Sabbatical, 2011
Alisun Thompson-Schrank (2014): President's Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2012-13; Education Outstanding TA award, 2012
Sara Tolbert (2011): NARST Student Research Conference Fellow, 2010; Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2006-07
Mele Wheaton (2011): Chancellor’s Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2009-10
Nancy Yue: Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2012-13
Bill Zahner (2011): Spencer Dissertation Fellowship, 2010-11; Doctoral Fellowship, Center for Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (CEMELA), 2006-10; Dean’s Fellowship, 2005-06